The Autumnal Equinox - Herfest

Autumn – West – Water:
The West is the place of autumn in the cycle of a year. The time when the fruits swell and ripen. It is the place of harvest and rejoicing in the bounty of Grandmother Earth. In the cycle of a day, the West is the early evening, the time of relaxation after the day’s work, the time of the setting sun. The animals become less active, often resting at this time in the warmth of the late afternoon’s sun before it sets. Everything becomes peaceful and relaxing.
The power of the West is the power of Water. In the Autumn, the fruits are swollen with juice, everything feels buoyant and calm. The power of Water is upward, buoyant, uplifting. It is the place of rest and relaxation, of lifted spirits and loving energy. It is the place of home and nourishment, of feeling satisfied and well fed.

The Celtic festival of Herfest, around the time of the autumnal equinox, about 22-23 Sep, marks the end of the reaping or harvest time. The last sheaf of corn was cut, the huntsmen had returned with the quarry and everything would now be stored up for the winter. It was a festival of thanksgiving for another year’s crops and sustenance. There would be feasting, story-telling, poetry reciting, and a thoroughly good time would be had by all. It marked the time when the dark becomes dominant and the time for introspection begins. It was the final festival of the year and brought to a close another cycle of sowing, tending and reaping.

From Celtic Wisdom by Andy Baggott
Published 1999 by Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd