National Capital Highland Games

The Capital Fair is proud to present the National Capital Highland Games! Founded in 2019, this event has already attracted visitors and competitors from across Canada and the USA. The National Capital Highland Games drew over 100 highland dancers for a certified dance competition, we had some wonderful pipe bands play in the opening ceremonies and are fiercely proud of our 48 athletes who competed in the highland athletics competition and half of them were brand new to the sport! Our mission is to provide a highland games that welcomes all new comers and helps continue the long standing Celtic traditions dating back to 1836.

As we grow and expand our highland games, we will be adding a youth category in the highland athletics competition, some additional prizes for the highland dancers, as well as a pipes and drums formal competition. With so much interest from the local community and from our out-of-town guests, we just may need to expand from one day to two days!

All of this action can be found right in the middle of the Capital Fair grounds that already hosts a world famous array of lively entertainment, agriculture displays, food, and don’t forget the rides! Where else can you have a Ferris wheel ride between throwing a caber and a sheaf toss?

Building onto our programs, we will be inviting the Canadian Armed Forces, local police and firefighters to a friendly tug of war! Who’s ready to claim an elite trophy for their team and full bragging rights? More details on that event to follow as the planning continues.

For a printable pdf with more information, click HERE